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Program Manager, Environmental Governance, Indonesia

The Asia Foundation is implementing programs that seek to improve transparency in spatial planning and land-use and forestry permitting, strengthen the participation of civil society in environmental policymaking, and advocate for revised spatial plans to strengthen recognition of adat (indigenous) communities’ tenurial rights and increase areas designated for protection. An innovative approach has involved capitalizing on the Foundation’s governance expertise to promote the use of ecological fiscal instruments to reward local governments for strong environmental governance. This work will continue, with greater attention to reforming green budgeting and financing. This program will introduce a new component to restore or rehabilitate selected natural assets in its program areas, which facilitate the efforts of forest-dependent people, including women and other vulnerable groups, to restore or rehabilitate degraded land, peatland, and mangrove areas that have been adversely affected or damaged by land-based industrial activities, natural disasters, or illegal logging.

The program manager for the Environmental Governance Program provides direct management and implementation of what is described above. S/he is responsible for the day-to-day management of the program staff and the CSO partners. S/he is responsible for program development, conceptualization, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and learning. S/he will be working with the ENVGOV Program and in managing the flow of reports, proposals, and work plans, funding source administration, and cross-unit collaboration. S/he will also work closely with the grants and finance units. S/he must have the ability to work with the donors and government at all levels. The program manager will be the designated officer in charge of the programs.

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