Caroline Yuk
2023-2024 Luce Scholar
Mary Caroline Yuk is a recent graduate from The University of Alabama and earned the Catherine J. Randall Awardee, recognizing her as the single top scholar based on academic record and scholarly endeavors. She has established interests in hearing healthcare disparities, gerontology, neurobiology, and biochemistry. As the first deaf Marshall Scholar and the University of Alabama’s first in over 40 years, Caroline received a master’s degree in Neuroscience from the University of Oxford, where she worked on research relating functional connectivity and heart rate variability with Dr. Miriam Klein-Flugge as well as corticofugal projections’ role in spatial hearing with Dr. Victoria Bajo, Dr. Fernando Nodal, and Dr. Andy King. She is currently working with Dr. Sarah Hogan to analyze and create a profile of deaf children’s sensory integration difficulties at Auditory Verbal UK, a charity that provides subsidized language training for deaf babies from low-income families. She is now pursuing a second master’s degree in Medical Anthropology at the University of Oxford and plans to focus on deaf populations’ access and perspective on medicine.