Colin Felsman

2010-2011 Luce Scholar

Colin Felsman received his B.A. in Political Science and Anthropology from Columbia University in 2009. Colin spent most of his youth abroad, living in the Philippines, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. His exposure to the Southern African region gave him a unique perspective on the challenges facing urban areas in developing countries. As a double major in political science and anthropology at Columbia University, he complemented his studies with non-profit work at Africa Action, Mercy Corps and the Institute for Democracy in South Africa. While studying abroad in Buenos Aires, he conducted research on development plans and political mobilization in Villa 31, the city’s largest slum. From these experiences, he gained insight into urban poverty as well as the larger challenges of integrating marginalized communities and achieving sustainable economic growth. Colin has worked at the Zimbabwe office of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), assisting with an integration strategy for populations displaced by political violence, natural disasters and land reform.

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