Mir Junayed Jamal

Director, Peri

Mir Junayed Jamal is a team leader at The Asia Foundation. With over nineteen years of development sector expertise in Bangladesh, he spearheads innovative initiatives in democracy, political governance, women’s empowerment, social justice, and civil society engagement programs. He is a member of the senior leadership team of the Bangladesh country office. During his tenure with The Asia Foundation, he played a key role in the pioneering effort to promote social justice for women within an Islamic framework, contributing to the creation of a network of female and influential actors – both men and women – who are committed to advancing women’s rights across South Asia. In his last few assignments, Junayed co-led a five-year program employing a holistic, nontraditional approach to increase women’s economic empowerment in Bangladesh through a market systems approach. Prior to that, he established a new innovation portfolio—Electoral Knowledge Hub—under UKAID, SIDA, and SDC’s Elections program and integrated a broad range of technology solutions and activities to make elections open and accessible to the citizens of Bangladesh, engaged the Election Working Group coalition in promoting greater participation and representation of women in elections, and oversaw engagement of civil society organizations with the National Parliament and promoting women’s leadership in direct democracy activities at the grassroots under the USAID and DFID’s PRODIP program. Junayed was twice the recipient of The Asia Foundation’s Presidential Award for Exceptional Performance.

Junayed holds a master's degree in Development Studies from the Bangladesh Institute of Governance and Development at BRAC University and a bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the University of Windsor in Canada.

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