Mohammad Kamrul Hasan Bhuiyan
Director, Finance, Grants and Administration, Bangladesh
Mohammad Kamrul Hasan Bhuiyan works with The Asia Foundation in Bangladesh as director for Finance, Grants, and Administration and is a member of the Bangladesh office’s senior leadership team. He has over 18 years of experience in financial management, grant management, partnership management, accounting, budgeting, office administration, procurement, and human resources management. He leads the Finance, Grants, and Administration unit and is responsible for the implementation of financial and grants management systems, policies, and procedures that are consistent with The Asia Foundation policies and practices as well as its bilateral, multilateral, and private donor guidelines and policies. He is instrumental in providing technical assistance to the Foundation program and grantees. He ensures the efficient operation of the administration department. For the growth of the Bangladesh portfolio, he supports the ongoing program development activities with budget development and analysis. Under his supervision, he has strengthened internal control and has taken appropriate corrective actions that directly contributed towards the country office attaining satisfactory ratings during the FY 24 and FY22 internal audit assessments. He has been instrumental in ensuring the country office’s internal controls are robust, both in design and operation, that they are adequately established and are functioning well. Under his leadership, the Finance, Grants, and Administration team received The Asia Foundation’s Presidential Award for Exceptional Performance for their excellent performance.
Before joining The Asia Foundation, he was a Senior Management Team member in leading INGOs and think tanks, i.e., Sightsavers, ADD International, Voluntary Service Overseas, BRAC University, and private limited companies.