Robert W. Greene
2018-2019 Luce Scholar
Robert is a strategic advisor and senior associate at Patomak Global Partners, a Washington, D.C.-based financial services consultancy. There, his client work focuses on developing advice, reports, and research on strategic and regulatory issues facing asset management firms, broker-dealers, cryptocurrency market participants, and insurance companies. He also manages various financial technology business development and thought leadership efforts. Prior to joining Patomak, Robert was an associate at Promontory Financial Group, an IBM Company, where he worked on engagements related to stress testing, equity derivatives markets, mortgage servicing, and consumer complaint management. Before entering the private sector, he worked for the U.S. House Financial Services Committee on bank regulation reform and Federal Reserve System oversight efforts. Earlier in his career, Robert examined financial sector trends as a researcher at Harvard University’s Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government and George Mason University’s Mercatus Center, producing studies on community banking, asset management regulatory issues, and consumer lending markets. His research has been cited in The Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, and publications by U.S. regulators. He has also presented his findings before academic, industry, and public sector audiences across the U.S. Robert earned his master’s degree in Public Policy from Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government and his bachelor’s degree, magna cum laude, in Finance and Public Policy from The College of William and Mary. While in college, Robert competed internationally in Model United Nations, earning the WorldMUN conference’s Diplomacy Award each year for his performance in simulations of financial policymaking bodies. He also planned high school MUN debates, worked as a fellow in the Office of the Governor of Virginia, and was on the club lacrosse team.