Samuel G. Campbell

2019-2020 Luce Scholar

Sam Campbell has a lifelong passion for international wildlife conservation. He has witnessed firsthand the effects of rampant poaching on elephant populations in Tanzania fueled by demand for ivory in Asia. He has worked with a community-led nature reserve in Costa Rica, where forward-thinking government policy powerfully combines with citizen engagement to protect key habitats. He has worked as a horse wrangler on ranches in rural Wyoming, where conservation-minded landowners use ecotourism to make the preservation of large tracts of wilderness economically viable. At the University of Virginia, Sam studied the human side of the conservation equation with majors in Global Development Studies and French. He worked in Tanzania over the course of five summers, first as an English teacher in partnership with Tanzanian NGO Carpenter’s Kids, and later as a UVa-funded water purification researcher. He led a team of fellow students in introducing the MadiDrop, a household water purification device that contributed to improvements in community health. As an exchange student at Sciences Po in Paris, Sam served as an English-French translator at the international conference of PROLINNOVA in Senegal, an NGO promoting agricultural innovations by small-scale farmers across Africa and Asia. He wrote his Global Development Studies thesis on human-elephant conflict in eastern and southern Africa. Since June 2018, Sam has worked with PRA Health Sciences in Raleigh, North Carolina, a leading pharmaceutical research company conducting clinical trials for new drugs around the world. Sam’s long-term career goal is to design international conservation policy for an organization such as CITES. In the near-term, he plans to gain grassroots experience investigating the wildlife trade in Asia and working on community conservation programs in sub-Saharan Africa before pursuing a master’s in conservation governance.

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