Susan L. Beningson

Lotus Circle Advisor

Susan L. Beningson is an independent curator based in New York City. Her most recent exhibition We The People: Xu Bing and Sun Xun Respond to the Declaration of Independence was part of the Asia Society Museum Triennial (2020-2021). From 2013 through 2019 she served as a curator of Asian Art at the Brooklyn Museum. Her curatorial projects during this tenure included the exhibition One: Xu Bing and the reinstallation of the Arts of China galleries. Previously, Dr. Beningson taught Asian and Islamic art history at the City University of New York, Rutgers University, and Columbia University and worked at the Princeton University Art Museum. She has lectured and published widely on both contemporary and historical Asian art. She is a member of the Collections and Museum Advisory Committees of the Asia Society and previously served on the board of the Freer and Sackler Galleries, Smithsonian Institution. Prior to her museum and academic careers, she worked in the corporate sector.

Dr. Beningson received her doctoral degree in Chinese art and archaeology and master’s degree in International Affairs from Columbia University and a master’s degree in Business Administration from New York University.

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