Increasing Women's Economic Opportunities

Professionalizing Care Work in Malaysia

Malaysia’s aging population is expected to surpass 6 million by 2040, and the growing exit of women from the workforce due to caregiving responsibilities highlights the critical need for comprehensive care services by both the government and civil society. The Asia Foundation, through the Australia-Malaysia Reform Partnership (AMRP) is addressing these challenges by fostering collaborations and driving national efforts to professionalize the sector. 

Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: The Asia Foundation Transfers B2B Platform to Mongolia Tech Start-up

The Asia Foundation in Mongolia has officially transferred the B2B platform to the Mongolia-based tech start-up Gerege Systems LLC. The Foundation originally partnered with Gerege Systems to develop a comprehensive platform under the “Supporting Women Entrepreneurs in Mongolia Using Digital Platforms for Business to Business” project. The B2B e-commerce platform is a comprehensive support system for women entrepreneurs and enhances women-led supply chains across Mongolia 
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