Green Growth and Climate Mitigation
About this Topic
The Asia Foundation has long been working with countries in Asia and the Pacific to better understand and address energy challenges and opportunities, while assisting countries to advance their transition to clean energy sources and low-carbon development. These efforts either focus on promoting regional energy trade and integration, expanding access to clean, affordable and reliable energy, improving energy efficiency for representative business sectors, or managing the water-energy-food nexus. All targeted to help enhance the region’s future economic growth, self-reliance, and environmental resilience.
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News and Highlights
Sustainable Agroforestry: A Key to Climate-Smart Agriculture
The world runs on coffee. But the high demand for coffee bean has devastating environmental, social and economic impacts on farming communities. One solution- agroforestry, enhances soil health, carbon uptake, and water conservation, making it an effective system for both agricultural productivity and ecological preservation.
6th APEC App Challenge: Coding for the Bio-Circular-Green Economy
The Asia Foundation, in collaboration with the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation’s (APEC) Secretariat, APEC Thailand 2022, and Google, hosted the sixth edition of the APEC App Challenge in Bangkok, Thailand, on […]
Asia Foundation Supports Northeast Asian Mayors’ Forum with Focus on Low Carbon City Development
On June 18-19, The Asia Foundation supported the Third Northeast Asian Mayors’ Forum, which was held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Since its establishment in 2014, the Forum has become a platform […]
Can One of the Fastest Growing Economies Nail Green Growth?
Over the last decade, Bangladesh has experienced impressive economic growth, with GDP growth expanding steadily by an average of 6 percent, and projected to maintain 6.8 percent growth in 2017, […]
Can Bangladesh’s Ready-Made Garment Industry Lead in Green Growth?
Bangladesh’s economy grew 7.05 percent in the first three quarters of the financial year, averaging over 6 percent a year for the past decade. A major driver of the country’s […]
Bangladesh: Billion Dollar Leather Sector Poised for Growth after Environmental Reform
Bangladesh’s highly productive leather sector, under growing international scrutiny for destructive environmental practices, now seems poised for new growth as a major environmental upgrade nears completion. For decades, pollution from Dhaka’s tanneries has poured into the…
World Water Day 2015: Links We Like
March 22 is World Water Day, and this year’s theme is focused on water and sustainable development. The relationship between water and development is particularly critical in the Asia-Pacific region, one of the most water-stressed regions in the world, and home to 61 percent of the world’s people, with a population expected to reach five billion by 2050.
As Driver of World Economic Growth, Asia’s Vulnerabilities Emerge
2014 will be remembered as the year when China became the world’s biggest economy in purchasing power parity (PPP) terms, overtaking the United States for the first time in history. This move, which did not come as a surprise, is the sign of a superpower transition…
Toward Green Growth in ASEAN
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries have exhibited high growth rates over the past decades, weathering even the worst of the global financial crisis. This impressive growth and accompanying rise in household income has brought great benefits to the ASEAN population…
This year, we celebrate 70 years of improving lives and expanding opportunities.