Strengthening Subnational Governance in Sri Lanka
Eight years after the end of a bloody civil war, Sri Lanka has set its sights on creating a new, more inclusive democracy that will meet the aspirations of its people. Improved local governance is a crucial part of that objective. The Asia Foundation is working to strengthen the economic resilience of subnational governments, deepen citizen representation in planning and budgeting, and ensure the effective redress of citizen grievances. We worked closely with 27 local governments across the country, selected based on their current performance, their potential to evolve as robust economic centers, and their willingness to support program activities. Over the past year, through a new online budget management tool, nine local governments were able to increase their budget allocations in response to priorities identified by citizens through new mechanisms for citizen input.
Following the promulgation of Sri Lanka’s Right to Information Act in July 2016, the Foundation created templates for proactive information disclosure by local governments. Through a unique partnership forged between the Foundation and the Local Loan Development Fund, a statutory body operating under the Ministry of Provincial Councils and Local Governments, innovative revenue generation projects worth $6.71 million were identified by 25 local governments in Sri Lanka.
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Eelynn Sim, Director, Strategy and Programs
[email protected]