Nabilan Toolkit


Rede Referál Fornesadór Servisu (Referral Network Poster)

April 13, 2017


Lista númeru kontaktu ba Rede Referál Fornesadór Servisu iha Timor-Leste


The Nabilan Prevention Toolkit Introduction

October 28, 2016


This Toolkit aims to be a practical and informative guide for anyone working on the prevention of violence against women and children in Timor-Leste. This Toolkit will also assist programs across other sectors that want to incorporate a more gender-sensitive approach into their programming. The contents of this Toolkit draw on the learning of the N… Read more


The Nabilan Prevention Toolkit Fact Sheet 1: Best Practice in Preventing Violence Against Women

October 28, 2016


Global research and evaluation in the area of preventing violence against women over the last 20 years has found which approaches are effective and which are not. This fact sheet summarizes the key components of effective and ineffective violence prevention approaches in the Timor-Leste context.


The Nabilan Prevention Toolkit Fact Sheet 2: Theories of Change for Preventing Violence Against Women

October 28, 2016


Violence against women is a complex social issue and there are many factors that contribute to this violence. It is therefore important to take the time to think about how we develop programs, projects and initiatives to prevent violence against women. Existing theories about how people can change a situation or resolve a problem (theories of chang… Read more


The Nabilan Prevention Toolkit Fact Sheet 3: Community-Led Approaches to Preventing Violence Against Women

October 28, 2016


As explained in Fact Sheet 1, one of the characteristics of effective approaches to ending violence against women and children is that these approaches are community-led. A complex web of social norms exists across all societies, specifically around gender, the acceptance of violence, and family privacy. It is, therefore, vital to use community-led… Read more


The Nabilan Prevention Toolkit Fact Sheet 4: An Evidence-Based and Multi-Sectoral Approach to Preventing Violence Against Women in Timor-Leste

October 28, 2016


The Nabilan Baseline Study highlighted the factors which have the strongest association with women’s experiences, and men’s perpetration, of intimate partner violence (IPV) in Timor-Leste. This evidence clearly shows the approach needed to most effectively prevent violence against women in this country. This Fact Sheet first presents the evidence o… Read more


The Nabilan Prevention Toolkit Fact Sheet 5: Evidence-Based Recommendations for Ending Violence Against Women in Timor-Leste

October 28, 2016


The Nabilan Baseline Study explored the prevalence, patterns and health impacts of violence against women and children in Timor-Leste, as well as the risk and protective factors for women’s experience, and men’s use, of intimate partner violence. The recommendations from the Study provide useful guidance on what we all can do to end violence agains… Read more


The Nabilan Prevention Toolkit Fact Sheet 6: What Can You Do to Prevent Violence Against Women and Children?

October 28, 2016


Whether you are a man, woman, girl, or boy, a parent or a student, an NGO worker or a teacher, there are many steps that you can take to build healthy, respectful relationships in your family, home, place of work and community.


The Nabilan Prevention Toolkit Fact Sheet 7: Monitoring and Evaluation Tools

October 28, 2016


Prevention program effectiveness assessment tool This tool helps to assess overall effectiveness of a prevention program and to identify areas for improvement. To use this tool, read each row and put an X in the column that most accurately describes the prevention program (choose either ‘Less effective’ or ‘More effective’ for each row). Tally up t… Read more


The Nabilan Prevention Toolkit Fact Sheet 9: Key Resources on the Prevention of Violence Against Women and Children

October 28, 2016


Evidence and data on the prevention of violence against women


Rekursu Prevensaun Programa Nabilan Nian Introdusaun

October 28, 2016


Rekursu ida-ne’e iha objetivu atu sai nu’udar matadalan prátiku no informativu ba ema sé de’it ne’ebé serbisu ba prevensaun violénsia hasoru feto no labarik sira iha Timor-Leste. Rekursu ida-ne’e sei mós tulun programa sira iha setór seluk tan ne’ebé hakarak integra aprosimasaun sensivel ba jéneru iha sira-nia programasaun. Konteúdu Rekursu ninian… Read more


Rekursu Prevensaun Programa Nabilan Nian Folla Informativa 1: Prátika Di’ak Iha Prevensaun Violénsia Hasoru Feto

October 28, 2016


Peskiza no avaliasaun globál iha área prevensaun violénsia hasoru feto ne’ebé halo durante tinan 20 foin kotuk ba nia laran hetan aprosimasaun sira-ne’ebé efetivu no la’ós efetivu. Folla informativa ida-ne’e sumariza komponente xave hosi aprosimasaun prevensaun violénsia efetivu no la efetivu iha kontestu Timor-Leste nian.


Rekursu Prevensaun Programa Nabilan Nian Folla Informativa 2: Teoria Kona-Ba Mudansa Hodi Prevene Violénsia Hasoru Feto

October 28, 2016


Violénsia hasoru feto sai nu’udar asuntu sosiál kompleksu no iha fatór barak ne’ebé kontribui ba violénsia ne’e. Nune’e sai importante liután atu fó tempu natoon atu hanoin kona-ba oinsá ita dezenvolve programa no inisiativa sira hodi prevene violénsia hasoru feto. Teoria ezistente kona-ba oinsá ema bele halo mudansa ba situasaun ka rezolve problem… Read more


Rekursu Prevensaun Programa Nabilan Nian Folla Informativa 3: Aprosimasaun Lidera Liuhosi Komunidade Hodi Prevene Violénsia Hasoru Feto

October 28, 2016


Hanesan esplika tiha ona iha Folla Informativa 1, karakterístika ida hosi aprosimasaun efetivu hodi hapara violénsia hasoru feto no labarik mak katak aprosimasaun sira tenke lidera liuhosi komunidade; Rede kompleksu hosi norma sosiál sira eziste iha sosiedade hotu hotu, espesifikamente ho relasaun ba jéneru, aseitasaun ba violénsia no privasidade f… Read more


Rekursu Prevensaun Programa Nabilan Nian Folla Informativa 4: Aprosimasaun Bazeia-Ba-Evidénsia No Multi-Setorál Atu Prevene Violénsia Kontra Feto Iha Timor-Leste

October 28, 2016


Estudu Baze Nabilan nian subliña ona fatór hirak-ne’ebé iha asosiasaun forte liu hotu ho feto sira-nia esperiénsia, no mane sira-nia asaun, hosi violénsia parseiru íntimu iha Timor-Leste. Evidénsia ne’e hatudu ho klareza aproximasaun ne’ebé presiza hodi prevene efetivamente violénsia hasoru feto iha rai ne’e. Folla Informativa ne’e aprezenta uluk e… Read more


Rekursu Prevensaun Programa Nabilan Nian Folla Informativa 5: Rekomendasaun Bazeia-Ba-Evidénsia Hodi Hapara Violénsia Hasoru Feto Iha Timor-Leste

October 28, 2016


Estudu Referénsia Nabilan nian buka-hatene kona-ba prevalénsia, tipu no impaktu ba saúde hosi violénsia hasoru feto no labarik sira iha Timor-Leste, nomós fatór risku no protetivu ba feto sira-nia esperiénsia, no mane sira nia uza ba violénsia hasoru sira nia parseiru íntimu. Rekomendasaun sira hosi Estudu ne’e fornese matadalan utíl kona-ba buat n… Read more


Rekursu Prevensaun Programa Nabilan Nian Folla Informativa 6: Saida Mak Ita Bele Halo Hodi Prevene Violénsia Hasoru Feto No Labarik Sira?

October 28, 2016


Se karik Ita mak mane, feto, labarik-feto, labarik-mane, inan-aman ka estudante, traballadór iha ONG ka profesór, iha pasu barak ne’ebé Ita bele halo hodi harii relasaun saudavel, no respeitozu iha Ita-nia família, uma-laran, serbisu-fatin no komunidade.


Rekursu Prevensaun Programa Nabilan Nian Folla Informativa 7: Rekursu Ba Monitorizasaun No Avaliasaun

October 28, 2016


Rekursu ba avaliasaun efikásia programa prevensaun nian Rekursu ne’e sei tulun avalia tomak efetividade programa prevensaun no identifika área ne’ebé presiza hadi’ak. Atu uza rekursu ne’e, lee pontu ida-idak no tau marka X iha koluna ne’ebé deskreve loos liu programa prevensaun ne’e (hili karik ‘efikásia menus’ ka ‘efikásia liu’ ba pontu ida-idak)…. Read more


Rekursu Prevensaun Programa Nabilan Nian Folla Informativa 9: Rekursu Xave Sira Ba Prevensaun Violénsia Hasoru Feto No Labarik Sira

October 28, 2016


Evidénsia no dadus kona-ba prevensaun violénsia hasoru feto


Training on Gender Equity and Violence Prevention

October 28, 2016


Presentation from the Nabilan team. PowerPoint version

Treinamentu Kona-ba Igualdade Jéneru no Prevensaun Violénsia 

Treinamentu Kona-ba Igualdade Jéneru no Prevensaun Violénsia

October 28, 2016


PowerPoint version


Konsentimentu – ne’e simples hanesan kafé

October 27, 2016


Asina Komitmentu Sobre Prevensaun Violénsia Kontra Feto no Labarik iha ne’e.