Timor-Leste – Connecting Youth to Career Information in the Tourism & Hospitality Sector
One of The Asia Foundation’s main objectives in Timor-Leste is to expand economic opportunity and increase diversification of the non-oil economy. The Foundation, in partnership with the Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Work Force Development Program executed a short 3-month project for Foka ba Futuru (Film the Future). The project worked with Timorese youth to create short career introductory videos using their mobile phones. Working with The Asia Foundation’s contacts in the hospitality and tourism sector, these videos profile jobs in the sector held by Timorese, raising awareness of what career opportunities are actually available to youth and telling the story of different pathways between school and gaining these positions. A competition for university students was created to develop, film and produce short films on their mobile phones. Thirty-eight students in 15 teams participated in the competition with a total of 16 Career Introductory Films being submitted. The films are hosted on a career website and Facebook page that provides youth with information in English and Tetum on the hospitality and tourism sector, links with local education and training institutions, and a jobs board with free access for employers.
The Asia Foundation, with continued support, plans to grow and upscale this concept to work with government and other partners to profile youth employment opportunities and trades in other sectors beyond hospitality and tourism including in business development, entrepreneurship, IT, construction, trades, agriculture and other sectors in both the urban and rural areas.
This short film shows the project from inception to execution.
Visit: fokabafuturu.com & @fokabafuturu on Facebook
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For assistance, please contact Global Communications:
Eelynn Sim, Director, Strategy and Programs
[email protected]