Virtual Book Talk Discussing Imperfect Partners: The United States and Southeast Asia with Ambassador Scot Marciel
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET
This virtual event with author Ambassador Scot Marciel will discuss his newly released book, Imperfect Partners: The United States and Southeast Asia.
Imperfect Partners is a unique hybrid—part memoir, part foreign policy study of U.S. relations with Southeast Asia, a critically important region that has become the central arena in the global U.S.-China competition. From the People Power revolt in the Philippines to the opening of diplomatic relations with Vietnam, from building a partnership with newly democratic Indonesia to responding to genocide in Myanmar and coups in Thailand, Scot Marciel was present and involved. His direct involvement and deep knowledge of the region, along with his extensive policymaking work in Washington, allows him to bring to life the complexities and realities of key events and U.S. responses, along with rare insights into U.S. foreign policy decision-making and the work of American diplomats in the field.
– Daniel Russel (former U.S. Diplomat)
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