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State of the Media: Timor-Leste 2024


By ABC International Development and The Asia Foundation

State of the Media: Timor-Leste provides new insights into Timor-Leste’s media landscape, outlining achievements and challenges facing the industry in Asia’s youngest democracy, 22 years after independence. The study includes valuable evidence for Timor-Leste’s media sector as it navigates a digital future and champions media freedom. State of the Media: Timor-Leste is a resource for media, government, and civil society to help strengthen the country’s media to inform citizens, serve the public interest, and contribute to achieving Timor-Leste’s national development goals.

Situasaun Media: Timor-Leste fornese informasaun foun kona-ba paizajen média Timor-Leste nian, hodi esplika kona-ba realizasaun no dezafiu sira iha indústria ne’ebe nasaun demokrasia ne’ebe foin-sae liu iha Ázia hasoru, hafoin independénsia iha tinan 22 nia laran. Estudu ne’e inklui evidénsia ne’ebé folin-boot ba setór komunikasaun sosiál Timor-Leste nian tanba halo navigasaun ba futuru dijitál ida no kampiaun liberdade komunikasaun sosiál nian. Situasaun Media: Timor-Leste nu’udar rekursu ida ba média, governu no sosiedade sivíl atu tulun hametin média nasaun nian hodi informa sidadaun sira, serve interese públiku, no kontribui atu alkansa objetivu dezenvolvimentu nasionál Timor-Leste nian.

Posted May 7, 2024
Related locations: Timor-Leste