Complementarity of Indian Development Cooperation with Similar Initiatives in the Indo-Pacific – Cambodia

The Asia Foundation, through its India–U.S. Triangular Development Partnership (TriDeP), a program funded by USAID, is working toward strengthening India’s and the U.S.’s development cooperation footprint in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond. TriDeP plans to establish partnerships with government, civil society, business corporations, think tanks, and academic institutions to advance India’s development cooperation footprint in three sectors: disaster risk reduction, climate-smart agriculture, and renewable energy.

TriDeP seeks to identify countries in Asia and the Pacific where there is a potential demand for partnership with India and to prioritize its activities based on such identification. TriDeP believes that such identification needs can also be informed by other development cooperation initiatives to enable synergies among development cooperation partners as well as complementarities to maximize resource utilization. This will enable TriDeP to focus on sectors and countries where gaps need to be filled, avoiding duplication of effort already underway or planned through other initiatives.

This report assesses the current status of developmental cooperation for Cambodia in the identified sectors of disaster risk reduction, climate-smart agriculture, and renewable energy, and sets a background for India for an effective and efficient roadmap for development cooperation through relevant case studies and demand-supply mapping.

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