Matadalan Kona-Ba Auditoria Sosiál Ba Timor-Leste – mobile version

Matadalan ne’e prepara ona ba OSS sira hodi permite sira forma no apoia membru komunidade iha prosesu auditoria sosiál.
Matadalan ne’e fó orientasaun jerál kona-ba oinsá halo auditoria sosiál ne’ebé bele uza iha kualkér setór, programa ka projetu iha Timor-Leste. Matadalan ida ne’e produs husi Dr. Keren Winterford no Caitlin Leahy husi Institute for Sustainable Futures iha University of Technology, Sydney (ISF: UTS). Dezenvolvimentu matadalan ne’e realiza ho finansiamentu husi Uniaun Europea, liuhosi The Asia Foundation no FONGTIL.

This Handbook is intended for civil society organizations to enable them to train and support community members in the process of social auditing. The Handbook provides general guidance in the conduct of social auditing that can be used in any sector, program or project in Timor-Leste. This handbook was produced by Dr Keren Winterford and Caitlin Leahy from the Institute for Sustainable Futures at the University of Technology, Sydney (ISF:UTS). The development of the handbook was made possible with funding from the European Union, through The Asia Foundation and NGO Forum Timor-Leste (FONGTIL).

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