About Our Work in India
In India, we partner with government, civil society, and the private sector on initiatives that promote national economic growth. These include increased women’s workforce participation, gender-responsive urban development, economic empowerment through greater digital literacy among micro and small entrepreneurs, climate resilience, and India’s engagement in international development assistance, with a focus on disaster risk reduction, climate-smart agriculture, and renewable energy.
Contact Information
Address and Contact
The Asia Foundation – India 114 Jor Bagh (First Floor) New Delhi, India 110003
[email protected]
+91 (11) 473-63100
What We Do
Support Networks for GBV Survivors
Our India office leads a multi-country research project to study screening and support services for trafficking and gender-based violence survivors in India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. The project will provide national and regional recommendations to government and non-government stakeholders. The Foundation also supports vulnerability mapping in the state of Jharkhand, a trafficking hotspot, to inform the government’s preventative measures.
India-U.S. Triangular Development Partnership
The Asia Foundation is implementing the India-U.S. Triangular Development Partnership (TriDeP) program that aims to enhance India’s development cooperation footprint in support of the U.S. and India’s mutual aims across the region.
The project focuses on three core areas: disaster risk reduction, climate smart agriculture, and renewable energy. In countries across the region, TriDeP will establish partnerships with government, civil society, business corporations, think tanks, and academic institutions. Through Indian Centres of Excellence, training institutes, and the private sector activities, TriDeP will build capacities, forge collaborations, and develop Triangular Cooperation projects to provide targeted assistance. TriDeP draws upon the Foundation’s seven decades of experience across Asia and the Pacific, its operational infrastructure, and relationships in countries in the region to transfer Indian innovations addressing challenges in agriculture, disaster management, and renewable energy. In doing so, TriDeP promotes India’s strong development expertise, expands joint U.S.-India development partnership, and fosters greater regional prosperity.
Recent Publications
Towards an Equitable and Integrated South Asia: Building Enabling Environments for Women in Trade – India Country Report
Policy Report – Opportunities for India’s Participation in Global Value Chains
Complementarity of Indian Development Cooperation with Similar Initiatives in the Indo-Pacific – Fiji
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Staff in India
Mission-driven and multidisciplinary, our staff bring a broad range of talents and backgrounds to their work every day.
- Senior Leadership
Nandita Baruah
Country Representative, India
This year, we celebrate 70 years of improving lives and expanding opportunities.