Natural Resource Management
About this Topic
Natural resources are the basis of local livelihoods and national economies. However, population growth, rapid economic development, poor resource management, and corruption have devastating impacts on Asia’s ecological systems. These impacts are compounded by trans-boundary environmental issues such as shared water and air pollution. There is a pressing need for improved governance of natural resources across the region. The Foundation approaches these challenges by facilitating stakeholder engagement, policy dialogues, and regional cooperation.
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News and Highlights
Water, Gender, and Poverty in Cambodia’s Stung Chinit Watershed
Cambodia’s Stung Chinit Watershed is one of the world’s most productive ecosystems, but it is also among Cambodia’s poorest regions, where inequalities of gender and poverty can make water for drinking and agriculture scarce or unavailable.
Lao Citizen Scientists Manage Wetlands Sustainably
There were no fish in the Nong Tham Hee wetland in the 2017 dry season. There were none in the 2018 dry season. The people of Nyangkham village, who once […]
Voices from the Field: Kosi Basin
Following from The Asia Foundation’s political economy analysis on the Kosi Basin, we conducted dialogues in communities along the river, both in India and in Nepal to gain an understanding […]
The Gender Dimensions of a Changing Climate
The biennial conference of the Women’s Funding Network, which took place in San Francisco September 11–13, provided an opportunity for The Asia Foundation to convene the panel “Gender and Climate […]
This Land Is Our Land: How Drones Can Advance Property Rights in the Philippines
The Philippines has a real estate problem. Half the real property in the country—approximately 12 million parcels of land—has no legal title. Like many countries in Asia, the island nation […]
Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Young Leaders and the Future of Pakistan
Recently, youth leaders from around Pakistan gathered to examine some of the most critical issues facing Pakistan: the water crisis and governance challenges in the water sector, and energy, food, […]
Pakistan’s Water Crisis: Why a National Water Policy is Needed
Recently, the Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) delivered a grave warning: if the government does not take action, the country will run out of water by 2025. […]
The Promising Future of Inland Waterway Trade in South Asia
Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s four-day state visit to India last month, her first in seven years, was productive by any measure. Twenty-two agreements, spanning defense cooperation, nuclear energy, and […]
Businesses Navigate Troubled Waters in Mongolia
Mongolia is facing challenging times economically, especially compared to four or five years ago when the country was growing at a breakneck speed of 17 percent, that today is down […]
Tackling South Asia’s Water Crisis: Can Civil Society Help?
Last week, widespread mob violence broke out in India’s high-tech capital, Bangalore, over a Supreme Court order that requires the state of Karnataka to release 15,000 cubic feet of water […]
World Water Day: Access to Clean Water for Mongolia’s Northernmost Province
Traveling in Mongolia during the winter can prove challenging, and our journey last month was no exception. Our team was traveling to the northernmost Khuvsgul province, 700 kilometers from the capital of Ulaanbaatar, to visit communities…
Civil Society Fund to Support Engagement on Transboundary Water Issues in South Asia
South Asia’s major rivers are critical to economic growth and food and energy security, but these rivers have sustained considerable stress from population growth and industrial development. The Asia Foundation […]
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