About Our Work in Bangladesh
In Bangladesh, we work with civil society organizations, religious and secular leaders, the private sector, and government to address development challenges. We advance women's economic empowerment through digital and financial inclusion initiatives, promote inclusive policymaking through coalition advocacy, foster social harmony through early warning alerts to religious-based and other violence, and enhance early learning through country-wide access to children's books. Our environment initiatives support women activists and political economy analysis of environmental risks and pollution threats.
Contact Information
Address and Contact
House #5, Road #8 Baridhara
Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
[email protected]
+880 (2) 4108-1821
What We Do

Covid-19 impact on Bangladesh garment industry
Bangladesh’s economy has historically been dependent on the garment industry. The Covid-19 outbreak resulted in Bangladesh losing its position as the world’s second-largest apparel exporter.
Previously employing 3.6 million people, the industry’s collapse demonstrates the vulnerabilities of its economy. In 2020, our partnership with H&M Foundation successfully coordinated disaster relief for female garment workers and upskilled workers to adapt and succeed in a shifting economy.
Economic Dialogue on Inclusive Growth program
In spite of Bangladesh’s impressive growth in recent decades, over 40 million people still live below the poverty line.
Many question if the growth has been “inclusive” and helped generate large-scale productive employment for the growing number of citizens entering the labor force each year. To increase evidence-based dialogue on inclusive growth, The Asia Foundation and the Overseas Development Institute, with support from the UK Department for International Development, are implementing the Economic Dialogue on Inclusive Growth Program in coordination with the General Economics Division of the Planning Commission. In addition to quarterly workshops, the project will produce six thematic research reports to support specific policy recommendations.

Development Letters
Development Letters is a quarterly peer-reviewed periodical focusing on bringing together issues, ideas, and approaches that can be researched, refined, experimented with, and investigated further. This periodical intends to advance innovative research and intervention ideas so that analytical work and evidence can meaningfully lead to practical actions and maximize developmental impact.
Staff in Bangladesh
Mission-driven and multidisciplinary, our staff bring a broad range of talents and backgrounds to their work every day.
Ainee Islam
Program Director, Bangladesh
Helga Fraser
Senior Manager, Human Resource and Administration, Bangladesh
Kazi Faisal Bin Seraj
Country Representative, Bangladesh
MD Zakaria
Program Director, South Asia Governance Fund, Bangladesh
Mir Junayed Jamal
Director, Peri
Mohammad Kamrul Hasan Bhuiyan
Director, Finance, Grants and Administration, Bangladesh
Mohammad Sadat Sadruddin Shibli
Program Director, Bangladesh
Sukla Dey
Senior Program Manager
Recent Publications
The State of Bangladesh’s Political Governance, Development, and Society: According to its Citizens 2024
Governing at the Margins: A Patchwork of Policies and Practices in the Rohingya Refugee Response in Bangladesh
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This year, we celebrate 70 years of improving lives and expanding opportunities.