About Our Work in Indonesia
In Indonesia, we partner with national and local government agencies and officials, academia, and hundreds of civil society organizations to work towards national development priorities. Our work includes enhancing democratic resilience, improving delivery of public services, advancing justice system reform, strengthening environmental resilience, expanding inclusive economic opportunity, and facilitating greater public voice and participation in policymaking and governance.
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What We Do

Combating corruption through the judicial system
Corruption is a challenge in Indonesia, so the Foundation worked with the Supreme Court to develop systems to improve tracking, monitoring, and adjudication of corruption cases.
We also developed an eLearning module for Anti-Corruption Certification for judges and created a robust judicial online data analysis hub to improve knowledge around and the quality of corruption cases’ adjudication. The hub now attracts 12,000-20,000 visitors daily, processes 27,000-52,000 searches per day, and hosts more than 5.3 million judicial decisions.
Recent Publications
Securing Legal Recognition for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Indonesia
Studi Sikap Publik Terhadap Penerapan Keadilan Restoratif di Indonesia
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Staff in Indonesia
Mission-driven and multidisciplinary, our staff bring a broad range of talents and backgrounds to their work every day.
Amala Rahmah
Deputy Country Representative, Indonesia
Erman Rahman
Activity Director, USAID ERAT IDIQ
Hana A. Satriyo
Country Representative, Indonesia
Luce Bulosan
IDIQ Deputy Activity Director, USAID ERAT, Indonesia
Director, Grants and Contracts, Indonesia
Mochamad Mustafa
Program Director, Democracy and Governance, Indonesia
Mohamad Doddy Kusadrianto
Program Director, Rule of Law, Indonesia
R. Alam Surya Putra
Director, Environmental Governance, Indonesia
Renata Arianingtyas
Program Director, BERDAYA, Indonesia
Siti Aisah
Director, Finance, Indonesia
Wisnu Wardhana
Manager, Human Resources, Indonesia