Assignment of Functions Across Levels of Government in Nepal
The Constitution of Nepal (2015) provisioned distribution of power and responsibilities between and among the federal, provincial, and local governments through the provision of exclusive and concurrent powers. Since the promulgation of the Constitution, the country has made significant progress towards managing the transition from a centralized/unitary structure to a federal setup. However, among others, overlap and contradictions on the assignment of functions across levels of government still exist—they are yet to reach a common understanding regarding the distribution of exclusive and concurrent competencies. While the federal parliament has not finished reforming the prevailing laws as per the spirit and provisions of the Federal Constitution, newly enacted federal laws consists contradictions and unclear allocation of roles and responsibilities across levels.
This report—based on field studies of selected provincial and local governments reflecting Nepal’s geographical diversity in Province No. 2, Bagmati, and Karnali Provinces—attempts to understand the major contradictions and overlaps on the division of jurisdiction and responsibility among spheres of government, mainly at the level of policies, institutions, and processes. The key sectors covered are revenue, education, health, agriculture and livestock, and physical infrastructure development.