Optimizing Screening and Support Services of Gender-Based Violence and Trafficking in Person Victims in India
In India, cases of trafficking in persons (TIP) have risen since 2019 alongside a dip in conviction rates. This raises valid questions on the existent gaps in the screening and identification process and procedure, and how best to strengthen the existing service systems. A key question underlying this research was the possibility of integrating or separating services for TIP and gender-based violence (GBV) victims and thereby ensuring that victims have better access to services. The research conducted in India identified the lack of standard protocols and indicators for identification and screening of victims of TIP and GBV, gaps in the legal framework in addressing the causes of human trafficking, geographical unevenness in the availability of services where services are existent largely in the cities, and many barriers to accessing services by victims. Since inadequate funding and resource constraints are major challenges to the efficient delivery of services, integrating the services provided to TIP and GBV victims should be considered. This study presents in-depth research on the current situation of the screening and identification services and the possibility of integrating the services for the victims.
Other resources in English
- Synopsis report
- Executive summary
- Overview of research findings
- Infographic
- Factsheet
- Issue brief
- Checklist
Resources in Hindi