Timor-Leste Covid-19 Survey Round 5 – February 2021
Timor-Leste was under the 10th state of emergency during the period of this survey, applying sanitary fences for Bobonaro and Covalima municipalities and in-country travel restrictions. This project aims to understand the concerns and lives of the Timorese people as well as their perceptions and attitudes towards the government during the Covid-19 period. Between February 20 to March 2, 2021, a Dili-based research partner conducted 429 phone interviews. In the February survey, trust in the government dropped from 59% to 54% compared to the December 2020 survey. Covid-19 continued as the biggest challenge facing the community (85%), followed by the weak economy (75%) and politics (56%). In the February Survey, information about the vaccine and the rollout began to spread among communities (78%) of respondents had heard of the vaccine, and (91%) of them said ‘yes’ to take it. Additionally, respondents also preferred direct cash Payment (39%) compared to Food basket (9%), food vouchers (4%), $25 cash (7%). The results of this survey series will help inform the Government of Timor-Leste and donors on developing policies and programs relating to Covid-19. This research is supported by Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).