Engaging Communities in Kratie, Cambodia, Through Behavior Change Communication for Waste Management

The Foundation has recently developed behavior change communication (BCC) strategies to enhance solid waste management in Kratie, Cambodia, as part of the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle to Protect Marine Environment and Coral Reefs (3RproMar) initiative. In a series of consultation meetings, key community stakeholders such as relevant provincial departments, the Kratie Municipality Administration, Sangkat authorities (local government), community-based organizations, and teachers actively participated in developing the strategy in response to challenges at the municipal level. The initiative is part of a broader regional effort supported by the German government through the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
The Foundation team used various communication tools to implement the strategy, including a unique logo, billboards, videos, audio messages, static posts, and a comic book for BCC. The slogan “No more waste, it starts with you” was devised to highlight the responsibility and capacity of individuals to make a difference in reducing waste, particularly single-use plastic.

With support from the 3RproMar team, our partner, the Cambodia Rural Development Team, coordinated the implementation of the behavior change testing campaign. Utilizing suggested approaches and available communication tools, the campaign posted on Facebook, made audio message announcements, conducted reading activities in schools using a comic book, installed a billboard, and participated in clean-up activities. The implementation plan originated from discussions at a training of trainers (ToT) event, where the team equipped campaign implementers, including local authorities, community leaders, and schoolteachers, with communication assets and best practices in solid waste management.

The six-week pilot phase aimed to assess the effectiveness of five communication approaches and the performance of campaign implementers, with results guiding the scaling up of activities in Kratie City. Following the pilot phase, organizers conducted a reflection workshop to review the implementation of the behavior change tools and collect feedback from the implementers on improving the communication approaches. The short yet impactful pilot revealed a key lesson: citizen participation and commitment are crucial for behavior change and program success.
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Eelynn Sim, Director, Strategy and Programs
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