Exit Interview: The Asia Foundation’s David Arnold

At the apex of a long and distinguished international career, President and CEO David Arnold steered The Asia Foundation through a momentous era of great hopes and significant challenges—including in Myanmar and Afghanistan—a global pandemic that disrupted billions of lives, and a host of achievements in a dynamic and rapidly changing Asia-Pacific. His tenure was marked by signature initiatives promoting technological innovation and leadership development in Asia.

Early in his career, Arnold worked for the Ford Foundation, serving as its first program officer in the field of governance and then for seven years as the organization’s representative in India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. He subsequently served for six years as executive vice president of the Institute of International Education, the world’s largest educational exchange organization, and from 2003 to 2010 as president of the American University in Cairo, where he oversaw the construction of their state-of-the-art campus.

As The Asia Foundation welcomes new leadership in 2023, David joins us to share his reflections on 12 eventful years at the Foundation’s helm.

President of Mongolia Kh. Battulga Receives Asia Foundation President David D. Arnold

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