Give2Asia Supports Covid-19 Response in India

India’s second wave of Covid-19 is causing unprecedented devastation. The country, which was reporting less than 15,000 cases a day just last month, documented nearly 400,000 cases on April 29. The official death count has reached 3,500 per day and will likely continue to rise in the coming weeks. The health system is extremely stressed across the nation and collapsing in some areas. A critical shortage of ICU beds, oxygen supply, and even cremation grounds is compounding the tragedy.
The Asia Foundation’s partner Give2Asia is actively raising funds to support local trusted non-profit organizations to support frontline health workers and institutions responding to the coronavirus pandemic. Funding priorities include emergency medical supplies to frontline workers, nutritious meals, and financial support to marginalized families.
Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, Give2Asia is an international nonprofit that serves as a strategic partner and ally working on the ground in more than 23 countries across the Asia Pacific. Their role is to strengthen the work of local organizations and mobilize support through philanthropic giving from Individuals, family foundations, and corporations.
Learn more about the situation in the region by listening to our InAsia podcast and read our blog – “Back-to-Back Spikes Wrack India, Nepal.”
Read more about the Foundation’s work.
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Eelynn Sim, Director, Strategy and Programs
[email protected]