Ponlok Chomnes Hosts Workshop on the Knowledge Sector and Foreign Policy in Cambodia

A group photo of the Ponlok Chomes Workshop on Knowledge the Knowledge Sector and Foreign Policy in Cambodia.

In Cambodia, The Asia Foundation supports key partners who form the country’s knowledge sector to inform public policy analysis and dialogue – including on foreign policy.

On March 14, the Ponlok Chomnes: Data and Dialogue for Development in Cambodia program co-hosted a workshop and networking event on “The Knowledge Sector in Foreign Policy in Cambodia” in partnership with the Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace (CICP).  

The workshop gathered participants to discuss key findings of a study on the knowledge sector in foreign policy, which CICP conducted. The publication explores emerging issues, priorities, opportunities, and challenges for knowledge users and knowledge producers in Cambodia.

A group photo of the Ponlok Chomes Workshop on Knowledge the Knowledge Sector and Foreign Policy in Cambodia.

Around 75 participants, including academics, students, think tank members, and government officials attended the workshop. Many expressed that the discussions were productive and positive. A few remarked that “this study is the first of its kind on the foreign policy that focuses on its significance and benefits to the country” and that “the study provides different perspectives on emerging issues, priorities, opportunities, and challenges from government officials, researchers, and think tanks.”

These research findings will be incorporated into a policy brief and diagnostic study for knowledge users and policymakers as a next step.

Ponlok Chomnes is a program supported by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

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