TriDEP: U.S., India, and Tanzania Partner to Promote Renewable Energy Development in Tanzania

On July 17, The United States, India, and Tanzania launched a Triangular Development Partnership (TriDEP) to advance clean and renewable energy development in Tanzania. As the implementing partner, The Asia Foundation will focus on supporting a reliable grid system and fostering an enabling policy and regulatory framework to promote renewable energy development. TriDeP aims to enhance India’s development cooperation footprint in support of the U.S. and India’s mutual aims in the Indo-Pacific and beyond, focusing on three core areas: disaster risk reduction, climate-smart agriculture, and renewable energy.

Over 60 representatives from government, utilities, regulators, the private sector, and academia attended the launch event, which was presided over by key officials, including acting USAID Mission Director Alexander Klaits, Charge de Affair Manoj Verma, Indian High Commission to Tanzania, and the Permanent Secretary Felchesmi Mramba, Ministry of Energy, Government of Tanzania.

A group photo of officials and representatives from the U.S., India, and Tanzania posing in front of a banner announcing the "Launch of Triangular Cooperation Between U.S.-India-Tanzania on Clean and Renewable Energy" under the TriDeP (Triangular Development Partnership) program.

Officials emphasized TriDEP’s potential to build capacity, create business opportunities, and support Tanzania’s energy sector growth. They highlighted the value of exchanging best practices in renewable energy and grid management and drawing on India’s successes in solar and wind power.

A presenter speaking at a podium in front of a large screen displaying information about the "Launch of Triangular Cooperation Between U.S.-India-Tanzania on Clean and Renewable Energy." The audience is visible from behind.

With the first phase already underway, TriDEP will collaborate with India’s National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) and Grid India over the next six months to organize a series of workshops, webinars, and in-country visits. These activities will culminate in customized capacity development sessions in India to share best practices and expertise in modernized grid management and solar and renewable energy.

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Our development experts and staff in Asia, the Pacific, and the United States are available for media briefings and speaking engagements.

For assistance, please contact Strategic Communications:
Eelynn Sim, Director, Strategy and Programs
[email protected]

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