2nd Mekong-Australia Policy Dialogue: Energy & Electricity Futures for ACMECS Members
The largely track one dialogue (held as a hybrid event with three live locations linked to one another online and to virtual participants in two other countries) brought together approximately 170 individuals from ACMECS member countries, as well as from other regional partners, multilateral agencies, and the private sector.
The policy dialogue focused on energy cooperation both among ACMECS member states and between ACMECS members and external partners, and identified some of the challenges and opportunities presented by new technologies in devising sustainable energy and electricity futures. It aimed to consider the sub-region’s energy needs in the context of Covid-19 and climate change.
Based on policy-relevant research prepared for the event, the dialogue featured a diverse set of presentations from partner countries of ACMECS, informed responses and input from the subregion, and separate country-specific discussions to maximize local relevance. Collectively, the sessions yielded specific policy options consistent with ACMECS Master Plan 2019-2023, which lists Energy Infrastructure and Connectivity (1.3), Smart Cities (3.1), and Energy Efficiency and Promotion of Renewable Energy (3.2) as goals.
More information on this dialogue below.
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