Skills2Work caps Customer Experience Training Pilot in Malaysia to Address Talent Gap

On June 2, 2023, Skills2Work welcomed 32 Malaysian graduates of the Customer Experience (CX) Pathway to its alum network after completing the three-week training program.

Despite the disruption of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Global Business Services (GBS) industry witnessed substantial growth. According to MSC Malaysia, there are 579 active GBS companies in the country, and the sector is expected to grow by US$6.7 billion by 2025.

Since Malaysia began welcoming information and communications technology (ICT) companies more than 25 years ago, the GBS sector has continued to grow. The industry also witnessed significant revenue growth despite the disruptions brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic.

There are currently 250,000 GBS employees in Malaysia. As the sector expands, the demand for talent will continue to increase, including the Customer Experience (CX) industry. Retrenched workers and career shifters also look to start or pursue a career in CX as various industries recover from the pandemic.

Skills2Work addresses the gap between available talent and the increasing market demand. The program aims to prepare individuals to re-enter the workforce by equipping them with essential skills for in-demand roles in the digital economy.

Learners of the program who are hindered by a lack of skills or flexible working arrangements to obtain gainful employment now have a better chance to join the thriving BPO industry through their CX skills and technical knowledge.

At the commencement ceremony, The Asia Foundation Senior Director for International Development Cooperation and Future Skills Alliance co-lead Anthea Mulakala remarked, “The value of platforms like S2W is that it makes learning accessible and quick. The challenge is that learning requires immense commitment and is just plain hard. Skills to Work is about opening, not closing doors, providing access, not restricting it, and building future skills.”

Low Chooi Ping, vice president for Governance of the National Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Malaysia (NAWEM), Skills2Work’s implementing partner in Malaysia, said, “I hope that this would be carried on further and for more people to actually benefit from Skills2Work. Thank you for all the efforts that have been put in by all the teams and people who have worked to make this program a success.”

Skills2Work job recruitment partners TalReso, Wellness Concept, and MXM International also joined the commencement ceremony to showcase employment opportunities to our Skills2Work CX Pathway graduates.

Skills2Work is part of The Asia Foundation’s Future Skills Alliance – a broad coalition of partners working together to deliver future skills at scale.

Visit the Skills2Work and Future Skills Alliance websites for more information.

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