Economic Growth

ACF: Equipping India’s MSMEs with Cybersecurity Resilience

Across India, MSMEs remain an important part of the country's economy and the livelihoods of women entrepreneurs, providing 120 million jobs and driving innovation. However, their businesses are the most at risk, with 83% of small businesses reporting cybersecurity breaches that result in substantial financial harm.
Tourist stands at a small market stand selling snacks

Experts in Tourism Development, Timor-Leste

This call is for Timor-Leste national and international applicants, see selection information below for more details. The Asia Foundation has worked in Timor-Leste since 1992. We implement programs to end…

Setha Chan

Setha joined The Asia Foundation in Cambodia as a program manager in September 2024. She supports the CAPRED-INSIGHT-Inclusive Evidence and Dialogue for Sustainable Economic Policy Transformation Project. Her role focuses…

Professionalizing Care Work in Malaysia

Malaysia’s aging population is expected to surpass 6 million by 2040, and the growing exit of women from the workforce due to caregiving responsibilities highlights the critical need for comprehensive care services by both the government and civil society. The Asia Foundation, through the Australia-Malaysia Reform Partnership (AMRP) is addressing these challenges by fostering collaborations and driving national efforts to professionalize the sector. 
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