Understanding the “Care Economy”

Horizontal photo of a young family sitting on the floor cooking.
Horizontal photo of a young family sitting on the floor cooking.
In Asia and the Pacific, as in much of the world, tradition consigns the care of children, the sick, and the elderly to mothers, wives, and daughters.

If all the world’s care workers were one national economy, it would be among the largest, in hours worked, in the world. It would also consist mostly of women, and they would be mostly unpaid.

In Asia and the Pacific, as in much of the world, tradition consigns the care of children, the sick, and the elderly to mothers, wives, and daughters, and these unpaid obligations perpetuate inequalities in work, society, and the home, depriving women of their own human flourishing and their countries of a big chunk of potential GDP.

Yet, care work is also a cornerstone of economic and social life.

In this edition of the InAsia podcast, the Foundation’s Ankita Panda and Ikram Abdullah discuss the tangle of cultural and economic issues that define the “care economy.”

Toward a Resilient Care EcosystemRead the report Towards a Resilient Care Ecosystem in Asia And the Pacific: Promising Practices, Lessons Learned, and Pathways for Action on Decent Care Work.

Read the report Roadmap for Action on the Care Economy in Asia and the Pacific.

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Our development experts and staff in Asia, the Pacific, and the United States are available for media briefings and speaking engagements.

For assistance, please contact Global Communications:
Eelynn Sim, Director, Strategy and Programs
[email protected]

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